The basic idea behind taco
is to pass it a verb, and
modify the interpretation of the verb using command line flags.
The user will defines their Snakemake workflows in a way that
keeps them general and utilizes user-provided parameters.
then reads these workflows, determines what rules exist
and what rules were specified by the user, and runs the workflows
using the user-provided parameters.
Remember, you can always get help by running:
$ taco --help
Run the taco command line tool like this:
$ ./taco <verb> [--FLAGS]
taco has two main actions:
taco ls [<worfklow>]
- lists the available workflows, or the available rules in a given workflow -
taco <worfklow>
- runs the specified workflow
Each workflow must specify a set of workflow configuration variables (names of files or Snakemake rules to run) and workflow parameters (parameters used by the workflows themselves). These control the details of the workflow.
The principal way to modify taco workflows is to use external YAML or JSON files.
To specify the configuration file, which tells taco which files to create or which rules to run, use:
(--config-json | --config-yaml)
- flags specifying the path to the JSON or YAML file to use for the workflow configuration.
To specify the parameters file, which controls the settings and details of each workflow step, use:
(--params-json | --params-yaml)
- flags specifying the path to the JSON or YAML file to use for the workflow parameters.
By default, taco
will create a working directory
called data/
in your current working directory,
and it will put all generated files in that directory.
You can change this location using the --prefix
command line option. For example, to make a big mess
in the current directory, you could leave prefix empty
and run taco like this:
taco --prefix= <rest of args>
You can specify relative paths:
taco --prefix=scratch/ <rest of args>
or absolute paths:
taco --prefix=/tmp <rest of args>